NERUCA Membership
The Urgent Care Association has partnered with the North East Regional Urgent Care Association (NERUCA) to create the first regional chapter of UCA. This partnership combines UCA’s national strength with NERUCA’s local representation throughout:
Connecticut • Maine • Massachusetts • New Jersey • New Hampshire • New York • Pennsylvania • Rhode Island • Vermont
The North East Regional Urgent Care Association (NERUCA) was formed in 2013 to focus on local, state, and regional issues important to Urgent Care practice and business, providing a voice for Urgent Care at these levels. We believe that Urgent Care providers and owner/operators know best the practice and business of Urgent Care Medicine. As such, there needs to be a strong, unified voice to ensure future opportunities and continued success for Urgent Care in the Northeast.
With our successes have come challenges. Now more than ever Urgent Care Medicine is now under attack in our states, and the implications for this attack extend far beyond the states’ borders. Regulators, competitors and in many cases payers have sought to slow down and control the provision of Urgent Care Medicine in our communities. It is our goal to educate all stakeholders and advocate on behalf of Urgent Care Medicine in the Northeast. Help us to be that voice. NERUCA needs your membership and Urgent Care Medicine needs your advocacy.
Become a member today: Click Here